Bankom d.o.o
Bulevar Nikole Tesle 30A, 11080 Zemun, Beograd
Monday-Friday: 08:00 - 16:00


CYLACTIN LBC ME 10 is highly metabolic active, milk acid bacteria, which acts by the length of the whole stomach – bowel tract, providing a stable flora. CYCLACTIN is superior, micro capsular, thermo resistant (the use within pelletizing as well) pro biotic for the use in live stock nutrition. This pro biotic is used in pig –breeding, poultry farming and cattle rising.

Winter is a period when we have the most problems for optimal ventilation. Dust, ammonia and moisture, which are favorable to risk increase on illnesses or syndromes that may influence piglets or pigs, and on the other animals, too, especially within period have suckle quitting or stress situations.

Five reasons, which separate CYCLATIN from other products, are:

1. Healthy micro flora in bowel tract of animals is a primary reason of the use, as an addition to live stock nutrition. Healthy micro flora shows positive influence on health condition, such as with sows and increased capability of survival of piglets. Leading to additional benefits for the whole pig breeding production.

2. Adding of this pro biotic to the first nutrition of piglets, will lead to significant decrease of diarrhea, within a suckling period, and suckle quitting, decrease of mortality and increase of growth increments with piglets, and with other categories too.

3. Healthy micro flora improves immune system of animals, which shall lead to significantly greater vitality and better resistance of organisms in fight against diarrhea and other illnesses and decrease need for medicines.

4. After micro flora disarranged, caused by various factors: stress, pathogenic micro organisms, treatment by anti biotic… CYCLATIN shall ensure quicker rehabilitation and better resistance.

5. Piglets and their performances (as health indicators) will be significantly improved, even in good farming conditions.

This superior pro biotic with 19 min only doubles number of living milk bacteria, stabilizes micro flora and destroys harmful bacteria, such as Escerichia coli, Clostridia, Salmonella.

CYCLATIN is pro biotic, which due to small dosing (35g/t), of exceptionally competitive price, enables use with all categories of animals, without a significant lead to more expensive nutrition.