Bankom d.o.o
Bulevar Nikole Tesle 30A, 11080 Zemun, Beograd
Monday-Friday: 08:00 - 16:00

ROPUFA® (Omega-3 LC PUFA – Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids)

Product and
Certification Pack
Size (kg)
Main Application
ROPUFA® ‘75’ n-3 EE

Minimum 75% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids, in form of ethyl esters.
Minimum 42% EPA + 22% DHA

Halal 5
For soft gelatin capsules, highest level of EPA
and DHA per capsule. For fortification of
selected foods, especially where a
concentrated form is preferred.
ROPUFA® ‘30’ n-3 EPA Oil

Minimum 30% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids. Minimum 15% EPA + 9% DHA

Halal 5
For soft gelatin capsules. For fortification of
selected food preparations.
ROPUFA® ‘30’ n-3 EPA Oil K

Minimum 30% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids. Minimum 16% EPA + 10% DHA

Kosher (OU) 5


For soft gelatin capsules. For fortification of
selected food preparations.
ROPUFA® ‘30’ n-3 INF Oil

Minimum 30% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids. Minimum 23% DHA.
Ratio DHA to EPA minimum 4.5

Baby Food Grade,


For fortification of selected foods especially
infant formula and maternal products.
ROPUFA® ‘30’ n-3 Food Oil

Minimum 30% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids. Minimum 25% DHA + EPA.
Minimum 9% EPA. Minimum 12.5% DHA

Halal 5


For use in foods and dietary supplements.
ROPUFA® ‘15’ n-3 Emulsion LVK

Minimum 15% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids. Minimum 14% EPA + DPA + DHA

Kosher (OU), Halal 5L
For enrichement of selected foods, especially
dairy. Also for use in dietary supplements.
ROPUFA® ‘15’ n-3 Emulsion LV

Minimum 15% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids. Minimum 12.5% EPA + DPA + DHA.
Minimum 6.25% DHA and 4.5% EPA

Halal 10L For enrichement of selected foods, especially
dairy. Also for use in dietary supplements.
ROPUFA® ‘10’ n-3 INF Powder S/SD

Minimum 7% DHA.
Ratio DHA to EPA minimum 4.5

Baby Food Grade, Halal 2.5 For use in food, baby food and nutritional
ROPUFA® ‘15’ n-3 High DHA Powder S/SD

Minimum 11% DHA.
Ratio DHA to EPA minimum 4.5

Halal 5 For use in food, baby food and nutritional
ROPUFA® ‘10’ n-3 Food Powder S/SD

Minimum 9% total n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids

Halal 5 For fortification of selected foods.
ROPUFA® ‘10’ n-3 INF Powder

Min 7% DHA
Ratio DHA to EPA minimum 4

Baby Food Grade, Halal,
Ifanca Halal
5 For fortification of selected foods especially
infant formula and maternal products.
Also for use in dietary supplements.
ROPUFA® is a trademark of DSM.